How to fix could not load plugin and right click to play adobe flashplayer error?
Everything was alright until yesterday, I uploaded a youtube video and tried to edit it. It said you "The video editing tools require a modern version of Flash to be installed"oI cant tell you how annoying this kind of problem is and when you have the problem (even I did) that's no big deal. The harder part is to find out how to find out the fix. After googling whole day with how to update flash player in chrome, flashplayer not found, chrome flash player corrupted error, chrome unable to load plugin error, how to fix right click to run flashplayer errors and stuff, I got nowhere. I felt like:
The shitty browser help page was providing me crap solutions saying to update to latest browser and stuff. Of course I have the latest browser and you too but still we both are having this issue aren't we? I was getting flash player not installed, right click to run plugin, unable to load plugin error everywhere. I really was missing the fun I could have playing flash games, shooting and uploading videos and watching humorous stuff on my lovely youtube. The youtube videos' so called fixes wont work! So here is the fix:
The fix:
Step 1: Open run (Press windows key + R).
You will get a little box. Type this into it "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\" and hit enter.
Step 2: A window will appear at shown below. I have a number like folder named "55.0.2883.87". You might have something other 54.xx.xxxx.xx or even something other. Note this text and proceed to step 3.
Step 3: Open run (windows key+R). Type notepad and hit enter.
Step4: In notepad paste the following and save with name fix-flash.bat. The extension .bat is important.
Note: Replace 54.xx.xxxx.xx with the one we noted before.
set version=54.xx.xxxx.xx
taskkill /f /im chrome.exe
del "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\%version%\PepperFlash\*.*"
rmdir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\%version%\PepperFlash"
del "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\*.*"
rmdir "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash"
Now right click this saved file and run it as admin. Warning:Chrome will be closed forcefully so if u are using chrome to read this article, bookmark it/copy the link so that u can come here again.
Step 5: Now visit a video streaming site/ flash games site that uses flash. Dont visit youtube.
Automatic update of flash player will start. Then the video/game will load.
Thank you for reading. If I helped you, bookmark this blog and whenever you face problems, do comment down on any post.
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