Download an intelligent self-learning robot, WinAlice.
Hey friends! I found this awesome software in my old computer. I downloaded it in 2013 :). Its so awesome. It can learn things from you. You can use it as an assistant or a friend of isolation. If you love technology, you are going to be amazed how WinAlice will have the answer of every question you ask her. She can just be your awesome tech buddy.
Just make sure, you don't get her crazy by teaching her unnecessary and unwanted stuff. Since, she might just reply you with your own sentence and you might be awarded with a tit for tat.
Download here
Some examples for the agenda function:
'I have a meeting tomorrow at 3 in room six'
'I have an appointment with Walter at 5'
'I have an appointment next week at three o'clock'
'What's in my agenda for this week?'
Some examples for data storage/retrieval:
'Remember that Walter borrowed a CD from me'
'Note that John is the lead programmer at CFA'
'John's phonenumber is 7827'
'Pete's address is'
'Tell me about Pete'
'Tell me about John'
Extra commands (just say these to Alice):
'Spellchecker on/off', to turn on or off the spellchecker;
'Flash', to see what happens when an event is triggered;
'Clearscreen', if the amount of text annoys you;
'Typist on/off', to enable or disable the human typist;
'Exit', to gracefully shut Alice up. :)
Be sure to share this with your friends. :)
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